Easter Sunday 2023

30:31 ✦ Jesus is arrested, tried, and sentenced to crucifixion.
36:01 ✦ Jesus is crucified and dies on the cross, fulfilling his purpose to give his life for humanity.
41:39 ✦ Mary Magdalene discovers the empty tomb and informs Peter and the other disciple.
47:11 ✦ Mary Magdalene, a close follower of Jesus, was the first to witness the empty tomb.
52:54 ✦ Mary Magdalene encounters the resurrected Jesus
59:13 ✦ God reveals himself to those who society excludes.
1:05:30 ✦ Mary Magdalene serves as a prototype for each one of us that God comes to us and knows us personally and invites us to receive, not condemnation, but forgiveness and salvation.
1:15:09 ✦ Celebrating the truth of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection