
Who was Melchizedek?

Who was Melchizedek?

Dave Riddle - 2/4/2024

Key Passage: Hebrews 7:1-10

Abram meets Melchizedek

- Genesis 14:12-20

Other Mentions

- Psalm 110:4, Hebrews 5:6, 6:20

The Hebrew priesthood

- Tribe of Levi

- Descendants of Aaron

- Made non-permanent sacrifices

- The role was hereditary not necessarily due to their righteousness.

* None of these things applied to Melchizedek

Melchizedek’s Priesthood

- A Royal priesthood

- A universal priesthood

- He received a tithe from chosen people, not the other way around.

- Not a descendant of Levi/Aaron

- Righteous and peaceful

- Without genealogy?

- What!?

The mystery of Melchizedek

- Hotly debated

- An Angel taking human form?

- Unlikely. The priesthood is a human function.

- An actual historical human being who acted as a priest before the order that would come later?

- A type/foreshadowing of Jesus?

- Christophany? A pre-incarnate Jesus?

- Maybe, but Jesus does have a father/mother. The author says Melchizedek is like the Son of God, but that he is the son…

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