
God of Grafting

Romans 11 - God of Grafting

Dave Riddle - 05/12/19

Key Passage: Romans 11:17-24

The Allegory of the Olive Tree

A Warning to Gentile Believers

  • Don’t be Arrogant 

    • Romans 11:20-21

  • Don’t be Puffed with Pride

    • Romans 11:18

  • Through Faith Alone

    • Romans 11:20

A Promise to Jewish Unbelievers 

  • Those cut off can be grafted in again

    • Romans 11:23

    • By Faith!

      • Romans 11:20

  • Key word: persist/remain

    • Romans 11:22-23

    • epimenō (Greek: ἐπιμένω) - to stay at or with, to tarry still, still to abide, to continue, remain. of tarrying in a place. to persevere.

    • Colossians 1:21-23