Romans 3

Fear Not!

Fear Not!

Dave Riddle - 12/3/2023

Key Passage: Genesis 15:1

The Origin of Unhealthy Fear

- Genesis 3:10

- Sin > Shame > Fear > Hiding

Healthy Fear

- Icy roads, dangerous situations, etc

- Reverential awe for God

- Proverbs 9:10

- When this healthy fear is missing the result is not good.

- Romans 3:10-18

- Psalm 36:1

- Matthew 10:28

- Hebrews 10:31

Fear Not / Do Not Be Afraid

- First instance of this common phrase

- Genesis 15

- “I am your shield”

- Your protection. Your security

- God doesn’t want to leave us in a place of fear, shame, sin, and hiding.

- He wants to have a relationship of hope, joy, peace, and love with us.

- James 2:21-23

- Abraham: friend of God

- John 3:16-17

God’s Love Conquers Fear

- 1 John 4:10

- He loved us first. Not because we loved Him.

- 1 John 4:18

- There is no fear in love

- Perfect love drives out fear

- 2 Timothy 1:7

- God did not give us a spirit of fearfulness

- Revelation 2:10

- The last instance of “fear not”

- From Genesis to Revelation

There is nothing that can separate you from the love of God.

You Can’t Serve Two Masters

Message begins around 34:00

You Can’t Serve Two Masters

Dave Riddle - 8/28/22

Key Passage: Matthew 6:24

“No one can serve two masters…”

  • Jesus in Matthew 6:24a

  • “No one” = oudeis (οὐδείς) - not even one

    • Romans 3:10

  • “Can” = dynamai (δύναμαι) - to be able, have power whether by virtue of one's own ability and resources, or of a state of mind, or through favourable circumstances, or by permission of law or custom

  • It is impossible!

  • “Serve” = douleuō (δουλεύω) - to be a slave to (literal or figurative, involuntary or voluntary):—be in bondage, (do) serve(-ice).

  • “Masters” = kyrios (κύριος) - supreme in authority

    • Romans 10:9, Luke 6:46

“…he will hate one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other.”

  • Jesus in Matthew 6:24b

  • It’s impossible for us to love (agapaō: ἀγαπάω - perfect unconditional love) two supreme masters at once.

    • Compare to Jesus’ comments about the good “single” eye from last week, Matthew 6:22.

“…You cannot serve both God and money.”

  • Jesus in Matthew 6:24c

  • “Money” = mamōnas (μαμωνᾶς) - Mammon - everything we pursue in life. Riches, treasures, dreams, feelings, idols. Everything that isn’t God.

  • Joshua 24:15 - “…choose this day whom you will serve...”

Upside Down View of Ourselves

Message begins around 33 minutes

Upside Down View of Ourselves

03/13/2021 - Dave Riddle 

Key Passage: Psalm 37:5

Ralph Waldo Emerson - “trust thyself”

  • Proverbs 3:5 - don’t do that…

    • Self-reliance limits our spiritual growth

    • Psalm 37:5 - “Depend on the Lord. Trust in him, and he will help you.”

    • Jeremiah 9:23 - Don’t boast about yourself

    • Philippians 4:11-13 - it’s not about our strength or ability.

Spiritual growth is not about personal willpower, it’s about surrender.

What do we trust in?

His Forgiveness

  • Luke 18:9-14

    • …everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.

  • Romans 3:11-12

    • Our own goodness will never be enough.

  • Philippians 3:9

    • Our righteousness comes from him!

  • It all goes back to what God has done for us.

His Empowerment

  • 1 Chronicles 16:11

    • Seek God

  • Acts 1:8a

    • Empowered by the Holy Spirit.

    • dynamos (δύναμαι)= able. to be able, have power whether by virtue of one's own ability and resources, or of a state of mind, or through favourable circumstances, or by permission of law

  • The same power that raised Christ from the dead empowers you today!

His Wisdom

  • 1 Corinthians 3:19

    • The wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight.

  • James 3:17

    • The wisdom from above is pure, peace loving, gentle, compliant, full of mercy, unwavering, without pretense…

His Provision

  • Psalm 34:19 - “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord rescues from them all.”

  • 1 Peter 5:7 - cast all your anxieties on God..

  • 2 Corinthians 1:8-9

    • We even despaired off life itself!

    • …so that we would not trust ourselves.

  • His provision is better than our attempts at self preservation

His Kingship

  • Psalm 18:2

  • Psalm 113:4-6

  • John 6:68 - where else would we go? Only you have the words of eternal life.