Walking with Jesus

Walking with Jesus

Dave Riddle - 4/7/2024

Key Passage: Luke 24:13-37

Jesus came near and walked with them

- Luke 24:13-15

- Now you see me.

- Luke 24:16 - they were prevented from recognizing Him

- Now you don’t.

Jesus stops us in our tracks

- Luke 24:17

- Jesus knows the answer, but he sets them up for a teachable moment.

They didn’t understand what they had experienced

- Luke 24:19-24

- They lacked a spiritual perspective.

- They forgot what Jesus said would happen.

- They failed to acknowledge the resurrection.

They Invited Him to Abide with them

- Luke 24:28-29

- Stay with us. Abide with us.

Watch out for and welcome Jesus into your life!

- Don’t pass up opportunities to invite Jesus into your daily life.

- Ask him to abide with you.

Submit to as Lord

- Do you have expectations that you need to surrender?

Get perspective through truth

- When we encounter truth our perspective changes.

- Do we examine the circumstances of our lives through the lens of scripture?

Be a witness

- Luke 24:33-35

- The two disciples got up immediately to share the good news of their encounter with Jesus.

As followers of Jesus we don’t travel through life alone. Allow Jesus’ presence and His truth to transform your life.