Here I am. Send me. Our First Blessing Box Distribution

After a year of providing non-perishable food items through the Blessing Box, we found ourselves being invited and challenged through God’s work. A team of people have prayerfully considered various different paths to take, but we felt confident in changing gears and following the Lord’s lead. We decided to offer a distribution of free cleaning products and personal hygiene items based on a community needs assessment.

On Thursday, June 3, the rain had subsided from the morning and the afternoon was filled with beautiful weather and a lot of activity on our campus. The Lord’s harvest workers arrived with open hands and feet ready to serve. Not to mention, countless partners of the Calvary family helped provide the items needed to support this distribution. Within the first 30 minutes, we served a handful of people, but there were not many cars pulling in. It was real slow. We found ourselves with many bags of cleaning products and hygiene items. One of our partners asked, “Do you feel discouraged?” Discouraged? No!

In Isaiah 6, we see that Isaiah experienced a life-changing vision of God’s overwhelming holiness and his call to ministry. Although our circumstances at the Blessing Box were not as severe as the loss of a king, we too had a revelation similar to the prophet. Isaiah heard His voice and his response to the Lord of Armies was “Here I am. Send me.” (Isaiah 6:8). As the Lord’s people our response should reflect the same attitude of Isaiah. We are called to take bold steps in the pursuit of Kingdom building. We took a bold step with our first distribution. We connected with some people. We asked how we can pray for them. Kingdom building is about His people helping people. We look forward to being a part of God’s plan for the Blessing Box. At our next distribution, we will respond, “Here I am. Send me.”