Holy Week Meditation & Prayer Guide

Holy Week Meditation & Prayer Guide

Sunday, April 5 – Sunday, April 12, 2020

Sunday, April 5

Read: John 11:55-12:1, 12:12-19

Think/Talk: It was public knowledge that the religious leaders desired to arrest Jesus if he showed up at the Passover celebration. Why do you think people still flooded the streets and celebrated his arrival in Jerusalem, hailing him as king?

Pray: Spend some time praising God for Jesus, our King.

Act: Take a walk around your neighborhood and think about God establishing his kingdom where you live and what your role in that might be. Share your thoughts with a family member or friend.

Monday, April 6

Read: John 12:20-36

Think/Talk: Jesus knew that his death was necessary for all people to come into relationship with him, and the thought of this death caused him great stress as he anticipated it. As followers of Jesus, we are asked to follow him in sacrifice so that God’s kingdom might grow. What does this sacrifice look like for you personally? For your marriage? For your family? In other aspects of your life (work, school, friendships, etc.)?

Pray: Ask God to strengthen and empower you to follow Jesus sacrificially.

Act: Identify one thing you can give up today in order to show kindness to someone else and then do it!

Tuesday, April 7

Read: Matthew 23:1-36

Think/Talk: Now face-to-face with those seeking his demise, Jesus aggressively calls out the religious leaders for their arrogance and pride as they set the spiritual example for the Jewish people. Have you ever put the “letter of the law” over your love for others?

Pray: Ask God to give you a spirit of humility as you model Jesus to those around you.

Act: Service is a form of humility. Find one way you can serve others today and then do it!

Wednesday, April 8

Read: Mark 13:1-13

Think/Talk: Jesus’ disciples ask him to tell them details about the future and he shares with them about the difficulties that lie ahead for his followers. What sort of difficulties and/or opposition have you faced as a Jesus-follower?

Pray: Pray that you would have a strong testimony of faith as you face trials and challenges. Pray also for those suffering around the world because of their faith in Jesus.

Act: As you respond to and interact with people on the internet today, consider your testimony as a Jesus-follower in your actions and words.

Thursday, April 9

Read: Mark 14:1-11, John 12:4-6

Think/Talk: Judas’ dark attitude is revealed in this exchange. How could one who was so closely connected with Jesus over the course of his earthly ministry still have such a hardened heart? Is it possible that some of us who have walked with Jesus for some time might also struggle in a similar way?

Pray: Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas where you are resistant to his leading and calling. Then, with an attitude of repentance, ask God to soften your heart and make you more like Jesus.

Act: Have you been holding on to bitterness toward a spiritual brother or sister? Repent and then reach out to that individual for forgiveness.

Friday, April 10

Read: Luke 22:39-53

Think/Talk: Jesus twice urged his disciples to pray so they would not fall into temptation. When the authorities arrived to seize Jesus, his followers panicked and acted impulsively. Do you think there is any relation between these two ideas? How does prayer prepare us for trouble?

Pray: Pray that when difficult moments come, you would be filled with the Holy Spirit’s power and be able to respond like Jesus.

Act: When you encounter a challenging situation today, stop before you react and choose to respond in a way that follows Jesus’ example.

Saturday, April 11

Read: Matthew 27:50-66

Think/Talk: As Jesus breathed his last breath, a rock-splitting earthquake occurred, along with other miraculous things. When he was buried, a large stone was placed and sealed in front of the tomb entrance. What do you think the women who witnessed both Jesus’ death and burial might have thought of this?

Pray: Spend time praising God for his great sovereignty and control over all things.

Act: Identify something in your life that you’re struggling to accept or don’t really want. Write a short letter of “thanks” to God for his control over the situation.

Sunday, April 12

Read: Luke 24:1-12

Think/Talk: Consider the angels’ words: “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!” How might those words sound like nonsense to the apostles? How does Peter’s response display a hopeful outlook?

Pray: Ask the Holy Spirit to remind you of the hope and purpose you have because of your faith in Jesus. Then spend time praising God for this great gift.

Act: Make a list of things in your life that seem hopeless. Then consider them in light of Jesus’ resurrection and rewrite your list. Does it look more hopeful? Use your observations to encourage an unbelieving friend this week.