Pray For Our Elders

Please Pray For Our Elders

Dear Calvary Family,  

Consistent with our church-wide focus on being joined in prayer this week, the Elders would sincerely appreciate your prayer support now and on an ongoing basis, relative to fall ministry planning. Despite the ongoing uncertainty around all of us, the Elders have continued to lean into a number of key principles as the foundation upon which to guide our church as we live out our mission of “helping others follow Jesus together,” even in this unique season of ministry. Although we continue to be encouraged by the growth we see in many areas, we readily acknowledge the challenging aspects of our ability to gather in person as significantly constrained and painful. 

The timing has certainly been beyond what many of us would have anticipated, and we recognize that some churches in the surrounding area have chosen different approaches than we have to date. We all long to be together again and to return to some sense of “normalcy." We also have great appreciation for your perseverance during this period of time and recognize the impact of the prolonged nature of the pandemic. The fall season has always brought with it a time of great expectation for ministry together at Calvary. As such, the Elders are requesting your prayers that there would be clarity and unity as we continue to seek God’s wisdom regarding next steps moving forward in the coming weeks and months.

Thanks, in advance, for your faithfulness in prayer!

Bob Baker, Brett Comstock, Paul Ellinger, David Gregory, Evin Hutton, Dave Riddle, Rod Windle and Bob Yerks

(CBC Elder Team)