Ramadan...and how to talk with your Muslim friend, neighbor, coworker

A member from SEND Diaspora recently posted an article, “As Muslims pray and fast, ideas for sparking discussion”. In being fully honest, I personally do not know a lot about Ramadan or the Muslim community. However, my family has neighbors who are Muslim. My husband also works with individuals who are Muslim. I want a better understanding of the people who live beside me. We share a community together.

The article posted starts with great insight about what Ramadan is, “Ramadan is a very important month for Muslims because it is one of the five pillars of practice required for all Muslims worldwide. The benefits that they believe they achieve from the self-sacrifice of denying themselves food and drink during daylight hours are only part of the equation.” Not only does the article provide an insight about Ramadan, but it also has great suggestions for connecting with those you engage with who are of Muslim faith. Check out the link below to read the full article.