New Adult Elective Study Offering: Ambassadors For Life

Making Life-Affirming Disciples is a practical, nonpolitical, gospel-centered course to equip Christ followers at a church to offer support and discipleship to women and men who face challenging circumstances during pregnancy and child-rearing. Pregnancy Centers seek to bring men and women to Christ, but local churches are vital for providing long-term discipleship and support to the abortion vulnerable and the post-abortive. The class is designed to draw us into greater reliance on God and intimacy with Jesus and provide our church with a Christlike response to abortion. 

This 12 week course will be offered at Calvary this fall on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. beginning September 11 with leaders, James & Kristi Abernathy. Please pre-register below so we can have materials in place for our first meeting. The class will meet in the Church Office Conference Room.