Update: July 20

Updated Monday, July 20th

Sunday Worship Services

You have three different options for worshipping with us on Sunday morning.

1)  Worship from your home via livestream. Please note, we will only be streaming our 10:45 a.m. outdoor service only. You can stream the service on Facebook or YouTube via cbcjoy.org/live

2) Worship on campus from your vehicle at either 9:00 a.m. or 10:45 a.m. No RSVP is needed for this option.   

3) Worship on campus on the lawn at either 9:00 a.m. or 10:45 a.m. We have space for 100 people at each service time, available on a first-come, first-served basis via RSVP. If you would like to RSVP for a spot on the lawn you can visit cbcjoy.org/rsvp … The new links will go up each week on Wednesday afternoon.

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Previous Updates

Updated Tuesday, June 9th

We've Added A Second Service! 

Hey Calvary Family, 

We are looking forward to coming together for our return to in-person worship this Sunday, June 14! You may remember that we sent a communication this past weekend (see below) detailing your choices: worship from your home via livestream (www.cbcjoy.org/live); at our campus from inside your vehicle; and at our campus, outside on the lawn (lawn option capped at 100 persons maximum).  

Due to your overwhelming response, we’ve decided to expand the options for this Sunday and offer two identical worship services, at 9:00 am and 10:45 am, so thankfully we now have the ability to accommodate 100 more people who would like to worship on the lawn! See action steps to take below: 

  • If you would like to sign up to attend the 9:00 service on the lawn, please RSVP here

  • If you would like to switch your RSVP from the 10:45 service to the 9:00 service, simply go ahead and RSVP for the 9:00 service and we will automatically cancel your RSVP for the 10:45 service.

  • Spots on the lawn for the 10:45 service may become available as people decide to shift to the 9:00 service. If you would like to be added to a waitlist, please contact Emma Prong (emma@cbcjoy.org). She will notify you if and when space opens up!

  • If you’re planning to attend either service from your home or within your vehicle, there’s no need to sign up at all. 

We are so encouraged by positive response to the announcement of the in-person service and are very excited about worshiping together this Sunday! If you have any questions, please contact Dan Arbitter (dan@cbcjoy.org). 

Helping people follow Jesus together, 

Dave Riddle, teaching + vision pastor
Dan Arbitter, executive pastor

Updated Saturday, June 6th

In-Person Outdoor Worship June 14 

Hello Calvary Family, Last week we provided you information on some opportunities for small in-person gatherings. Our intent in highlighting those opportunities was to let you know of some church-sponsored in-person activities in which you may want to participate.This week we are reaching out to you to announce a new, outdoor, in-person church worship service on June 14. This new offering will be in addition to our existing online worship for those who prefer to remain at home at this time.At the in-person, outdoor service we will be offering two different levels of engagement in which you’re invited to participate. Both of them will be taking place simultaneously on the CBC campus at 10:45 am.

1)     Drive-in Worship

For those who select this option, you and your family would remain in your vehicle and listen on your vehicle’s radio. This option may best suit families with young children, people who are among the “at-risk” population, or those who would simply be more comfortable staying in their vehicle.

2)     Worship on the Lawn

In this second option, we will have availability and space for people to be outside of their cars and on the lawn closer to the “stage.” For the June 14 service, we are capping the number of those on the lawn at a maximum of 100 persons. Chairs will be set up in such a way to enable proper social distancing and we ask that you remain in your chairs throughout the entire service. If you are interested in this option, you will need to RSVP here. Determination of those to attend would be on a first-come, first-served basis, i.e. the first 100 persons to RSVP.During this worship service, restrooms located in the Barn and lower level of the church facility will be open for your use. You are welcome to bring your own drinks and snacks. If there is a high potential for rain, we will cancel on Saturday night, June 13 and thus have our online service only. Online Student and Adult DU classes will continue in their current manner, prior to the service. Please note: Though we love your kids and apologize for the inconvenience, we are unable to provide nursery or childcare at the church in support of this in-person outdoor service. Our intent is to provide parents on-line with activity materials that can bring with you for the service. We’re so excited about this step forward in gathering together as sisters and brothers in Jesus! Please consider your participation and remember that being “on the lawn” requires an RSVP on our digital invitation, so take care of that right away if you’re planning to attend in that manner. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Dan Arbitter (dan.arbitter@cbcjoy.org).

Thanks so much; we can’t wait to see many of you Sunday, June 14th at 10:45am!

Helping People Follow Jesus Together,

Dave Riddle – teaching + vision pastor
Dan Arbitter – executive pastor

UPDATED Friday, May 29th

Update On In-Person Gatherings 

Hey, Calvary Family:  

In the ministry update email that you received last week, we mentioned that we would be following up with some specific in-person CBC-sponsored events. These opportunities are focused on gatherings of people in groups of 10 or less.   

Virtual Life Groups: If your group would like to take advantage of in-person engagement, please feel free to do that! Each group has unique needs and perspectives relative to in-person group meetings and we will leave that up to your particular group to decide if an in-person venue fits well. Please have a heart of grace and flexibility if there is a difference of perspective in your group. Weather permitting, you may want to meet outside in a park or in someone’s backyard. If someone in your group is uncomfortable in moving to in-person or is part of the at-risk population, you may just continue to meet virtually. Some groups may decide that based on schedules, the best plan would be to remain online long term, and that’s totally fine. Please choose the option that works best for your group! Consistent with this opening up of in-person group interactions, we are officially changing the name from Virtual Life Groups to simply, Life Groups. Please let Bobbie Lee Barr (bobbielee.barr@cbcjoy.org) know if you choose to move to an in-person format. 

Sunday Morning Watch Parties: Are you interested in having another family over to your home to participate in our Sunday worship live feed together? Consider throwing an in-person watch party! For those of you longing to get back together, this might be the best next step for you. If this is something with which you’d be comfortable, go for it! 

Student Ministry: Are you feeling kinda Zoomed-out? Schedule a get together with Jordan Baker, Phil Woodman, or a volunteer leader to catch up without staring into a screen. While continuing our current online programming, Phil and Jordan will also be communicating opportunities for possible small group outdoor events that would be optional and require your parental approval; look for details soon!  

Children’s Ministry: As you know, Calvary loves your kids! But at this time, we are unfortunately unable to sponsor any activities focused specifically on children younger than middle school, due to the challenges of maintaining social distance and the wearing of face masks. If you choose to participate in a watch party with your children, we ask that you please check with your host and other attenders first, and please be attentive to the oversight of your children, so as to not put others at risk. Thank you very much! 

Stephen Ministers: You’re free to meet in-person if you and your care receiver feel comfortable! 

Calvary Loves and Ministry Partners: Please pray and think about moving forward with in-person volunteering related to helping our community. A full description of opportunities can be found on our website at cbcjoy.org/needs. Consider joining together with your Life Group or some other friends to reach out during this unique time of opportunity! 

Women’s Ministry: Similar to the watch parties described above for Sunday morning, please feel free, at your comfort level, to invite others to in-home watch parties for Women’s Ministry online programming. 

Campus Usage: At this time, we are not utilizing CBC’s indoor facilities. However, if you would like to do something outside on our campus, please contact the church office so we can coordinate with others who may have plans to use the outdoor space as well.  

Important: If you choose to participate in any of the church-sponsored events, we do expect that you will follow the State of Michigan criteria for gatherings, which can be found HERE.

Those guidelines include a maximum of 10 persons at gatherings, wearing of face masks for all indoor events, social distancing of 6 feet, protection of at-risk population, and opting out if you have any signs or symptoms characteristic of the coronavirus.  

Our intent in highlighting these opportunities is to let you know of some church-sponsored activities in which you may want to participate. Certainly, there are always occasions for you to reflect and share Jesus to your neighbors, friends and co-workers during this time apart from Calvary-sponsored events. In addition, we want to thank you for your ongoing commitment to staying connected with and loving on each other in so many ways! We hear lots of great stories of how each of you are looking out for one another, truly being the family of God; praise him for that!  

Helping People Follow Jesus Together, 

Dave Riddle, teaching + vision pastor
Dan Arbitter, executive pastor

UPDATED Thursday, May 21

"Teacher, which command in the law is the greatest? He said to him, 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and most important command. The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself...All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commands.'"  (Matthew 22:36-40, CSB) 

Greetings Calvary Family,

We wanted to communicate with you relative to the ministry happenings as we journey together during this ever-changing and unprecedented time. Specifically, we would like to speak to you about these three areas:

  • Our Process for Transitioning to In-Person Church Sponsored Gatherings

  • Our Plan for Our Spring Business Meeting and Elections

  • Our Current Financial Status 

Process for Transitioning to In-Person Gatherings

As a Church Staff and Elder Team, we long to be back together again in-person. We believe it would be hard to find a group of people more passionate about being back together, in-person, and able to do what we love to do: serving God and this wonderful family. We miss you!

We are also keenly aware that this time has changed us as a church. It has sharpened our focus and provided opportunities for ministry that we would have never imagined possible. God has certainly used this time for Calvary to be the church, despite our doors being closed.

Since the very beginning of our discontinuation of in-person gatherings, the Staff and Elders have been meeting together to discuss navigating these times and the plans, preparedness, and precautions related to meeting together again in-person.

Over the last weeks it certainly has been encouraging to see the reduction of new COVID-19 cases and with that the potential for opportunities to gather together again, initially in small groups and eventually larger groups.

Our overarching goal relative to making choices about in-person gatherings is centered around where we believe God would have us go, step by step. Like many topics in our world, the re-opening of churches has become extremely polarizing. Some principles we’ve been utilizing to develop our plans moving forward are these:

  • We will continuously seek God’s wisdom and look for His unique perspective and calling during this time, through prayer and meditation on His Word.

  • We desire to leverage the wisdom and expertise of governmental health experts provided to us at the state and federal level, in and through their recommendations.

  • We recognize the need for added protection of the at-risk population and children/students within our church family. Today, just over half of those in attendance at a typical Sunday worship service are in this group of people.

  • We will be mindful of how our decisions impact the health and well-being of the broader overall community, to whom we continue to reach out and witness, with sincere hope that they become followers of Jesus.

  • We will extend grace, and practice patience and flexibility as we face decisions around in-person gatherings, putting aside our personal desires, needs, and political views and focusing instead on how we can best love our Lord and our neighbors

  • We will move forward by delivering plans with excellence, preparedness, and in an orderly manner, rather than rushing to be among the first churches to re-open.

  • We will be honest and transparent, providing the CBC family with clear communication.

Over the next few weeks, our goal is to provide you with more details about specific and upcoming in-person church sponsored opportunities, while simultaneously continuing to provide and enhance our virtual online ministry. 

Additionally, we have developed a comprehensive plan for providing in-person Sunday worship services and have been at work preparing both facilities and ministry formulations for that day. Given the current state of the pandemic, we do not anticipate an in-person, indoor Sunday morning gathering until mid-June at the earliest. We continue to stay informed on State of Michigan and CDC recommendations and directives related to gatherings, as well as approaches being taken by other ministries within metro Detroit and our state. 

Making decisions at this time relative to in-person gatherings requires a great amount of wisdom. As such, the CBC Staff and Elders ask for your prayers as we continue to develop, refine, and communicate our plans. May we know and follow His leading, for His glory!

Plan for Our Spring Business Meeting and Elections

Our Spring Business meeting is scheduled for June 21. While we hope to provide for in-person participation at this meeting, it will also be broadcast online, regardless. 

During this meeting we will not be electing board members. The Elders determined and communicated to all current leaders (Trustees, Deacons, Regents and Elders) that their term is extended for one year, if they choose to serve it. This decision was made based on the current process of nominations and voting by ballot, which are not well suited for an online delivery. We will ask all existing members of the Nominating Committee to work with us over this next year to develop new nomination and voting methods for future elections, which will provide flexibility for times like these and streamline our existing in-person, paper-based processes. 

The focus of the Spring Business meeting will be on living into the new ministry realities of our time, and approval of the 2020-21 budget. Voting for the annual budget will be accomplished through on-line anonymous polling. Additional methods will be provided to those who need special accommodation, so please let the church office know as soon as possible if you would like assistance in this area.

Financial Update

As of May 18, 2020, our combined General Fund and Building Fund giving total was $76,100 below our budgeted target for giving. From the time our in-person worship services were suspended, we have seen week-to-week giving be erratic, though overall it has been strong.  However, based on our current giving trends and unemployment projections, it is anticipated that the 2020-21 budget we will bring to you for approval at the Spring Business Meeting will need to be reduced as compared to the 2019-20 budget. Thank you so much for your continued generosity during these challenging times; we are overwhelmed by your faithful, loving, and sacrificial investment into our ministry! God bless you, sisters and brothers!

Please note: If you have questions related to any of the above information, please contact Dan Arbitter: dan.arbitter@cbcjoy.org.

Helping people follow Jesus together,

Dave Riddle, teaching + vision pastor
Dan Arbitter, executive pastor

UPDATE 4/24/2020

In this video Pastor Dave shares an update and some encouragement in response to today’s news that the Stay Home order will be extended until May 15.

UPDATED 4/07/2020

Dear Calvary Family,

In this difficult season, may we also consider that together we have a gift: a time in our lives to focus on things which are eternal; to have relationship with a God who is greater than this crisis around us. Recent research indicates that this week, perhaps more than any time in our lives, the people of our nation are open to a life-changing gospel. The combination of the magnitude of all those impacted by the pandemic, mortality levels approaching their peak, and the Easter season converging calls on us to “be” the church in deeds and words through ways in which we might not ever have considered! 

On March 17, we sent you an e-announcement titled “A New Ministry Reality,” which highlighted steps we were then taking relative to CBC’s ministry operations through early April. Today, we’d like to provide you with a brief update on where we are headed, moving forward. As such, we want you to know that the entire church staff will continue to work remotely from home; in addition, we have now cancelled all in-person activities, programs and events, until further notice. As in the recent past, we will continue to stay in regular communication with you in the days ahead. Thanks, in advance, for your consistent prayer support!

We are greatly encouraged by the way in which many of our key ongoing ministries transitioned to an online format! In addition, we’re very excited about the new opportunities to be the church during this season, such as Calvary Loves_______, Virtual Life Groups, Calvary Community Facebook Group and a number of organic expressions you have pioneered, based on your individual gifting and creativity. As a ministry staff, our hearts are filled with joy as we hear the many stories of how you are sharing and showing the love of Jesus at this time!

We also want to make you aware that everyone in the Calvary family is invited to join through Zoom for a time of prayer on Wednesday, April 8, at 7:00 p.m. You can get in on this all-church prayer by following the meeting link below. For those of you who already have the Zoom app on your computer, tablet or phone, you should be all set. Some of you may need to download Zoom, but it is free and easy to use. We hope to see you there and look forward to praying together! 

Topic: CBC All-Church Prayer

Time: Apr 8, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 683 051 4364 

As your time allows and God leads, please continue to be involved in the opportunities we’ve highlighted above, which will help you to grow, connect and minister during these challenging times. We urge you to spend time in God’s Word, follow the Holy Spirit’s leading, and be an ambassador of Jesus to your family members, neighbors, co-workers, and those you know who are struggling! In short, let’s all fill up on Jesus, creating an overflow that will allow us to bring God’s presence to those who are on our minds and crossing our paths during this very unique time for each of us, everywhere in the world.   

Helping people follow Jesus together,  

Dave Riddle, teaching + vision pastor
Dan Arbitter, executive pastor

UPDATED 4/04/2020

“And after this Job lived 140 years and saw his sons, and his grandsons, four generations.”

Job 42:16 (NASB) 

“And after this…” 

One way that I have tried to keep perspective during this time is to keep my mind focused on the “after this.” I think about the joy of being together and doing all the things that, for most of my life, I have taken for granted. Things like being able to go shopping, travel to see friends, go up north for a break, see my kids graduate, attend weddings and sporting events, visit relatives in nursing homes, enjoy a dinner at a restaurant, not be so concerned with my own health or those around me, and even offer a hug or handshake as we join in worship together. 

As we head into Holy Week and anticipate Easter, I was thinking about Jesus’ followers as they started seeing their world being turned upside down – starting in the upper room, then in the garden, and at the crucifixion. For us these recent days have certainly been life changing. But take a moment and walk through those days living in their sandals. The more I ponder each of those events and wonder how I would have responded, I am humbled, for sure. 

The “after this” of Jesus’ crucifixion changed the whole world forever. The disciples lived “after this” lives that no one could have ever imagined. They became the kind of disciples that God had planned for them to become from the beginning of time. They experienced Jesus in a whole new way in the “after this” of the resurrection.  

So, sisters and brothers, here we are today. Can we live knowing that the same God who was with the disciples during those dark days long ago is also with us today, and that He has a plan for us in the “after this,” just as He did for Job and the first followers? Will we just return to our pre-COVID lives? Or will we allow His Spirit to make us new people and a new church “after this” experience?  

As Jesus and His disciples prayed in the garden, let’s be in prayer that COVID-19 would be a marker stone of personal transformation in our lives. May we look back on how we drew closer to Him, how having less made us more sensitive to others; how we pulled together as a church; and how we realized the value of neighbors, face-to-face relationships, handshakes, hugs, solitude, and personal worship. 

As we enter Holy Week and anticipate Easter, here are some suggestions for living in the pre-“after this” 

  • Invite your friends, especially those far from Jesus, to our online worship services: www.cbcjoy.org/live

  • Engage in the Holy Week Prayer & Meditation Guide (coming this Sunday!) that will provide you an opportunity for daily reflection, prayer, and application throughout the week.

  • Sign up for a Virtual Life Group so that, like the disciples, we can live life together, providing encourage and support in our collective journey.

  • Ponder the “after this” in your life. Consider journaling through this time; just start writing down, “when this is over, I will…” 

“After this,” Job lived for an additional 140 years. The Bible doesn’t speak to what Job was like or what he did during those 140 years, but I’m confident that, like the disciples after the resurrection, Job’s life was radically changed. Let’s encourage one another to live our lives today and be planning for the “after this,” knowing that the One who loves us has a plan for our lives beyond all this that will be so much better than what we left behind in February.   

Helping People Follow Jesus Together,  

Dave Riddle, teaching + vision pastorDan Arbitter, executive pastor

UPDATED 3/27/2020

The facility doors may be closed, but our church has never been more open and engaged in ministry! This update is designed to let you know of ways in which our staff can minister to you, you can minister within our CBC church family, and we together can minister to our surrounding community! 

In this note we’ll cover some NEW THINGS:

  • Stephen Ministry Graduates

  • Calvary Loves ____ Ministry

  • Chinese-Speaking Prayer Time 

We’ll also update and review some ONGOING ITEMS:

  • Virtual Life Groups (VLGs)

  • Online Giving & Budget Update

  • Submitting Prayer Requests

  • Calvary Community Facebook Group

Keep reading for all the details!


Stephen Ministry Graduates

This week, twelve of our church family members completed their certification as Stephen Ministers. As we met virtually for our last night of training, we reflected on the timing of our training completion, with all that is going on around us. For some of us, it was almost a year ago that we began our training and it is encouraging to see how, throughout this process, God has given us a glimpse into seeing the need to be prepared to serve His people!  

With that in mind, these Stephen Ministers are ready to serve you and your loved ones. Stephen Ministers are trained in providing care though life-on-life, long-term relationships (including in a virtual manner). If you or someone you know is experiencing grief, depression, sickness, loss, or just have a need for someone to walk through life with you during a difficult time, we are praying that you will let us know. We’d love to share Jesus’ love with you! Please contact Dan Arbitter (dan@cbcjoy.org) if you are interested in talking about starting a relationship with a Stephen Ministry caregiver.

Calvary Loves ________

The opportunities to serve the communities around us has never been greater. Over the past few weeks our staff has been primarily focused on transforming the “IN” ministry and support from our homes – including worship services, specific ministries (Kids, Students, Women, etc.), communication, and business operations. We believe it is now critical that we add to our existing focus a greater emphasis on being who Jesus would be to the community, at this time. 

We are in the initial stages of developing a campaign around Calvary Loves ___. The “blank” represents areas where we as a group can use our creativity and presence to impact an area of our local community. Some initial areas we are focusing on are Calvary Loves (a specific apartment complex), Calvary Loves (a specific fire station), Calvary Loves (a specific unit at a local hospital), Calvary Loves (a specific nursing home). If you would like to be involved in the leadership of one of these Calvary Loves ___ opportunities, please contact Bobbie Lee Barr (bobbielee@cbcjoy.org). 

Chinese-Speaking Prayer Time

Sunday evenings at 8:00 p.m. our Chinese-speaking community is gathering virtually for a special time of prayer. If you’re interested in participating or would like to spread the word to friends, neighbors, and co-workers who might want to participate, please contact Charles Bai (chengbai@gmail.com). 


Virtual Life Groups

Last week we introduced Virtual Life Groups. We appreciate those who responded to that announcement and signed up to participate. We are now in the process of forming groups and setting up leader training. NOW is the time to let us know if you’re interested in participating (before the rollout stage). Visit cbcjoy.org/lifegroup or contact Bobbie Lee Barr (bobbielee@cbcjoy.org) with questions or to sign up!  

Online Giving and Budget Update 

In previous announcements we have encouraged you to consider new methods to financially support Calvary with your gifts of generosity. All the details regarding online giving opportunities can be found at cbcjoy.org/give-online. We are also still receiving checks by mail (43065 Joy Rd., Canton, MI, 48187) if that is your preference. Thank you so much for your continued investment into this ministry! 

Related to this topic, our desire is to be transparent as possible with you! As you might imagine, our giving over the last two weeks has been reduced. In addition to the disruption of normal giving habits due to our worship services being online instead of in-person, we also recognize the impact of unemployment within our church family both now and moving forward. Our Trustee Team is following these trends and is taking appropriate actions commensurate with these reduced giving levels. If our current giving trends continue, adjustments to church ministries and staffing will need to take place.  

At this time, our year-to-date budget need is $999,633, while our current year-to-date giving is $886,400. We will continue to adjust our actual spending to be in line with actual giving, but we want you, our church family, to be aware that more significant reductions may be needed as we move forward. We thank you for continuing to pray about all of this! If you have questions about our financial position, or need assistance in setting up online giving, please contact Dan Arbitter (dan@cbcjoy.org). 

Submitting Prayer Requests

We have several different pathways for you to share prayer needs with us!

  • Send you prayer request to Prayer@cbcjoy.org.

  • Visit cbcjoy.org/contact, enter your prayer need into the contact form, and send to “church office”.

  • Call the church phone number and leave a message (734-455-0022).

For the three above methods an office staff person will contact you to get specifics on your needs and identify who you would like the request shared with, including the option of sending out an e-prayer announcement.  

You can also:

  • Enter your prayer request in the “Virtual Guestbook” during the livestream of the Sunday Worship Service (Requests submitted here are distributed and prayed for by the Elder Team and Calvary Staff Team only).  

Calvary Community Facebook Group

Don’t miss this opportunity! If you’re on Facebook, this is one of the most effective ways to stay connected in the lives of other Calvary family members. This week we laughed, cried and shared life with each other as a community through this tool. It’s a great place to be family together. If you need help getting into the Calvary Community Facebook Group, contact Bobbie Lee Barr (bobbielee@cbcjoy.org) 

That’s the latest on All-Church news! Don’t forget to visit the cbcjoy.org for more information on all these above items, as well as updates on our different Calvary ministries (Kids, Students, Women, etc.). And, please, don’t hesitate to call us at 734-455-0022 if we can help you in ANY way!

We’re looking forward to “seeing” you this Sunday at 10:45 a.m. for our online worship service!

Helping People Follow Jesus Together, 

Dave Riddle, teaching + vision pastor

Dan Arbitter, executive pastor

UPDATED 3/20/2020

When they said, “Let’s go to the house of God,” my heart leaped for joy.

(Psalm 122:1, The Message)

Hey, Calvary Family!

This Weekend

Though David’s words above were referring to a physical place, we still share in his genuine and obvious excitement, as we prepare for our online worship time this Sunday! We again will be streaming our worship service, beginning at 10:45 a.m. To jump in on the livestream, please visit www.cbcjoy.org/live for all your viewing options!

Please note, we will be sharing in Communion as part of our worship experience this week, so if possible, have some things ready to use for the elements of bread and juice. Please, feel free to use whatever you have on hand (bread, crackers, chips, etc.; juice of any kind, water, milk, etc.). Don’t stress about not having the “normal” stuff!

Connect in the Scriptures!

Thanks to the good folks at Dwell, an app that allows you to listen to the Bible, CBC has been gifted a free 60-day access to their church account subscription. We’ve gladly accepted their offer, so all you have to do is click on this link: https://dwellapp.io/signup/with/5kSuJD and start listening to God’s Word! If you have any questions about this, contact Dan Arbitter (dan.arbitter@cbcjoy.org).

Info and Support

For the most up-to-date information, please remember to text CBCJOY to 84576. By texting this number, it allows us to provide ongoing updates to you regarding the latest status on things concerning the ministry. Additionally, by texting this number you will also be joining a Calvary-based support network that is mobilized to bless our church family and the community.

UPDATED 3/18/2020

UPDATED: 3/17/2020

Dear Calvary Family,

During these unprecedented and uncertain times, we rejoice in the great hope found in God, and we cling to that! Each day new challenges arise, and they call out to us to respond, often in ways that we wouldn’t have imagined only days ago! These challenges are impacting such a wide range of our normal daily experience, including those areas which were sources of joy, contentment and stability. For most of us, we’ve never experienced a time of such broad impact, all at one time: our health, our jobs, the economy, our social interactions and relationships, and beyond! Some of us may have gone through a crisis like this at a personal level, but right now the entire world is experiencing this at the same time. Truly this is an exceptional time in history, certainly for our generation. May God’s faithful love rest on us as we put our hope and trust in Him. Amen. 

Ministry at Calvary is likely very similar to what we assume you are all experiencing in your families, homes and workplaces. The chaos and rate of change required to progress forward is at times overwhelming, and yet mixed with glimpses of opportunity, anticipation and potential that we would likely not have seen if this microscopic organism had not invaded our world.

The CBC leadership is more solidified in our unity, mission and focus than we have ever experienced. These times are certainly challenging, but we continue to believe that we will come out of this experience changed for the better.  

As we move forward, living out our mission of helping people follow Jesus together, we certainly recognize the need to lean into a new reality of ministry, given all the change that is taking place. Often these changes are occurring at a rate that highlights our need to listen and trust God more deeply, so that we can be both wise and courageous in our decision-making.

Listed below is an update on the steps we have taken over the last week. It also includes some opportunities we would encourage you to take advantage of in the days ahead. Given the nature of our world right now, we expect that our communication to you will be frequent, and desire for it to be informative, encouraging, and also transparent.

Church StaffOn Sunday night, we sent a letter to all CBC staff announcing that effective immediately, the church was moving to a model where all personnel would be working remotely from their homes. Certainly, there will be essential tasks that will require specific individuals to be onsite for short periods of time, but our overall mode of operation is to maximize social distancing and avoid in-person interfaces among our staff. 

Please understand that despite the staff not being physically present on campus, we are full throttle in living out our calling of ministry together. The pace and passion around ministry here are at an unprecedented level. Many of you have shared some great suggestions for all sorts of ministry, including community outreach; thanks so much! We are praying, dialoguing, planning and thinking about all of those and more! There will no doubt be some bumps in the road as we continue to deliver day-to-day operations and as we roll out new ministry approaches, but those bumps would be due neither to distraction from mission nor lack of commitment!

Ministry Programing and Events - Given our current reality, we have chosen to eliminate all in person CBC-sponsored activities, programs and events through, at a minimum, April 5th. You will be receiving more specific details from our individual ministry leads, but as an overall summary, the church will not be sponsoring any in person interactions of any size through the first week of April 5th.

One area we are passionate about at Calvary is that life-on-life, face-to-face, “being together” ministry interaction. The impact of the corona virus on these types of interfaces is significant and painful, but we are adapting quickly by leveraging as many contemporary (online, virtual, etc.) and long-standing (phone calls, cards, etc.) touch points to enhance our ministry and be there with you. At last count there have been nearly 800 online views of last Sunday’s worship service, in addition to the 200 households who experienced it live. Isn’t that amazing? Praise God! For certain, there are new norms and opportunities into which we’re all living. We will continue to livestream our worship service for the foreseeable future; all the details about our next Sunday morning (March 22) will be provided later this week.

Financial Stewardship - We are closely monitoring our giving status and taking the appropriate near-term actions regarding our spending. Additionally, we are developing long term plans for PCA and CBC. You can greatly help us to plan for the months to come by maintaining (if possible) your consistency in giving. Your cooperation in setting up recurring online giving helps Calvary’s leadership know how to best plan. If you need help setting up an online giving account, please let us know, so we can help you. If you are uncomfortable with online giving, or unable to do it, please feel free to mail checks to Calvary Baptist Church, 43065 Joy Road, Canton, Michigan, 48187. The sooner we can assess our giving pattern in this new reality, the better we are able to plan and adjust. Please know that we completely understand that this is a time of economic and employment uncertainty, and sincerely appreciate your investment in this ministry, at whatever level God may be calling you to give.

Facebook Groups - You will soon be receiving information on an opportunity to join various CBC Facebook groups. These are online forums which promote increased dialog within the Calvary family specifically. If you are a Facebook user, we’d love for you to accept our invitation to the various groups we will be creating! If Facebook isn’t your thing, no problem. We are just trying to connect in as many ways possible to make up for the lost face-to-face interactions that many of us are missing so much. 

Virtual Life Groups - We are in the process of releasing Virtual Life Groups (VLGs). These are small groups, but through an online platform. VLGs will consist of 3 – 4 same-gender adults (i.e. 4 men OR 4 women). The goals for a VLG is that it would provide connection and support in the Body of Christ. We will be providing more details on this as we move forward. But for now, here are some next steps:

  • Think about the makeup of your potential VLG. Are there men or women with whom you already have a relationship? Or, are there people with whom you’d like to connect? If so, go ahead and contact them, to see if they would be interested in participating in a VLG with you.

  • If you’re interested, but are also kind of confused or uncertain, that’s completely OKAY; this is a brand-new thing! We will pray and think along with you, and help you connect in a group!

  • Please…reach out! Communicate with us! Let us know if you’re forming a VLG, if you’re interested and need help, or if you just have some questions! Relative to these VLGs, 

Bobbie Lee Barr is your primary contact (bobbielee.barr@cbcjoy.org).


  • For the most up to date information, please text cbcjoy to 84576. By texting this number, it will allow us to provide ongoing updates to you regarding the latest status on things concerning the ministry. Additionally, by texting this number you will also be joining a Calvary-based support network that is mobilized to bless our church family and neighbors.

  • Pray, pray, pray!  We sincerely and humbly request that you pray as follows:

    • That our CBC and PCA leaders would have God’s wisdom in making decisions which will glorify Him in our church and school.

    • For the protection of our church and school families from this disease.

    • That we would see opportunities to serve our friends, neighborhoods and respective communities; that by the power of His Spirit, we would shine God’s love brightly and intentionally during this trying time.

    • For our outreach partners serving around the world, many of which are in far more challenging environments than those of us. 

Okay, so that’s a lot for you to digest! Please know, we are so very much here for you! We want you to know we are all about doing ministry together in and through this very unique time. Please, please, please communicate with us on how we can help you, our Calvary family members, on our collective mission. To contact us, please feel free to call the church as normal, 734-455-0022. And of course, you may send an email to any of our staff persons. And if you’re unsure who to contact about a particular issue, feel free email to Pastor Dan at dan.arbitter@cbcjoy.org.

Helping People Follow Jesus Together, 

Dave Riddle, teaching + vision pastor

Dan Arbitter, executive pastor

UPDATED: 3/14/2020

To the Calvary Church Family:

As you would expect, we have been constantly monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic affecting our community, nation and world. After much further discussion, thought, prayer and information gathering, we have made the decision to CANCEL ALL in-person gatherings of ANY type for tomorrow, Sunday, March 15.  Please note: there will be a live stream of our service available, and it will begin at 10:45 a.m. tomorrow. We really hope you’ll check it out! To access that stream, please visit our website, www.cbcjoy.org. More information about programs, events, etc. beyond tomorrow will be forthcoming. 

We thank you all so much for your flexibility, prayer support and understanding during this uncertain and rapidly changing situation!  

Please text cbcjoy to 84576 for alerts and updates.

3/13/2020 • Next Steps Related to COVID-19,

Dear Calvary Family,

“Trust in the Lord and do good; Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness.” (Psalm 37:3, NASB)

Over the past two months, our church leadership has been closely monitoring the spread of COVID-19 as well as diligently staying informed on all recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS). Together with Plymouth Christian Academy administration, we have developed integrated plans, and jointly started taking appropriate steps beginning last month, escalating them as we believed necessary. 

Our primary calling as church leaders during times like these remain unchanged: it is to shepherd the flock, looking out for our church family’s physical and spiritual needs. Additionally, as leaders, and the entire CBC family, we have also been called to seek the wellbeing of the broader community, including our neighbors who may not be part of our church, or any local church. 

Although there are many other factors that we need to consider in making decisions regarding our ongoing church operations, looking through these three lenses above (spiritual and physical needs of the Calvary family; loving our neighbor) has been and will continue to be the guide for our thinking, relative to the actions we will take. In the pursuit of this, we continue to call out to God in prayer for His perspective, wisdom, and hope as we journey down this path together. Our base calling, as in all things, is to follow and embrace His will, not our own. 

As you certainly know, this is a very fluid situation, and modifications to this plan over time are very likely. But effective this Sunday, 3/15/2020, we will be implementing some changes to our current church life. 

Sunday Morning Worship Services: The very recent executive order, issued this afternoon by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, prohibits all events with more than 250 people in attendance. As a result, we will be offering two (2) worship services of one (1) hour each, which will be identical in format. While having two services helps to better ensure compliance with the executive order, the size of our auditorium also allows us to “spread out” and be much more likely to experience recommended social distancing.  The first worship service will begin at 9:30 a.m. and the second will start at 11:00 a.m. The time from 10:30 – 11:00 a.m. will be used to clean and disinfect our meeting areas.  

Sunday Children’s Ministries: During both the 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. worship services, there will be Nursery/Walker services only (birth – age 3). Beyond that, there will be no children’s classes, and Kids Worship will not take place.

Sunday Student & Young Adult Ministries: Student Ministries (Grades 6-12) classes are cancelled, as is our Young Adults group that meets on Sunday mornings. These persons are encouraged to participate in the Sunday Worship services as described above and invited to attend one of the Adult DU classes being offered, as described below.

Adult Discipleship U:  We are modifying our adult DU offerings as follows: The Core DU class will meet at 9:30 and the Cornerstone DU class will meet at 11:00 a.m., in their normal locations. All other adult DU classes are cancelled. Please note, children in grades 1-5 will accompany their respective adult (parent, grandparent, etc.) to the class.

Weekday Ministries: As of today, our plan for programming is that it will continue, with the following exceptions.

  • All Wednesday night children’s clubs are cancelled.

  • Our Student Ministries leadership is working to provide some type of ongoing ministry offering, which may need to include online and digital formatting. More details from our Student Ministries staff will be provided to you as soon as possible.

In addition to the programming changes highlighted above, there are some additional precautionary measures we will be embracing, moving forward:

  • Our facilities team and ministry staff are working diligently to keep high-contact surfaces clean (including toys) and heavily trafficked areas disinfected, throughout service times.

  • We will utilize individual pre-packaged communion containers, which will be available at the doors as you enter the auditorium.

  • We will not be passing the offering plates during the worship service but will providing offering plates as you exit the auditorium, much like our practice for receiving monthly benevolent offerings. 

  • With respect to monetary giving also strongly encouraging you to move to our online/digital platform, in part to reduce the risk exposure for our staff. Please visit our website (cbcjoy.org) for more information, and do not hesitate to contact the church office if you need any assistance with moving to this format. 

  • The serving of food and drink at all of our gatherings is being discontinued for now. Please feel free to bring your own (as appropriate) to any specific gathering

  • We are recommending that all church leadership team meetings (Elders, Deacons, Regents, Trustees and others) begin to use at-home teleconferencing tools. More information will be provided by your team chair.

  • We have encouraged our volunteers and staff members to stay home if they are not feeling well. We appreciate your grace understanding for any reduction in ministry coverage that may occur as a result.

  • When you greet others, we ask that you opt for a smile and a wave rather than a handshake. Our guest services team members will be doing the same.

  • Please Note: If you or a family member have a weakened immune system or other health concerns, are in a higher-risk people group, are feeling unwell, are experiencing any of the recognized symptoms, or are simply uncomfortable attending for any other reason, we encourage you to stay home, and fully support you in your decision to do that, with no judgment or criticism! 

  • If you do choose to stay home, we encourage you to join in live with the Sunday worship service at our website, www.cbcjoy.org.

  • Please watch for subsequent communication providing details to those serving in volunteer positions, and for potential cancellations of specific upcoming events. We will work hard to keep our website and social media channels updated with the latest status on event cancellations, programming changes, etc.

  • For the most up to date information, please text cbcjoy to 84576. By texting this this number, it will allow us to provide ongoing updates to you regarding the latest status on things concerning the ministry. Additionally, by texting this number you will also be joining a Calvary-based support network that is mobilized to bless our church family and neighbors.

  • We encourage you to stay up-to-date about the virus and proper prevention measures by visiting: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html

Lastly, we encourage you to please be in prayer with and for us. In addition to those things you believe are important, we sincerely and humbly request that you pray as follows:

  • That our CBC and PCA leaders would have God’s wisdom in making decisions which will glorify Him in our church and school.

  • For the protection of our church and school families from this disease.

  • That we would see opportunities to serve our friends, neighborhoods and respective communities; that by the power of His Spirit, we would shine God’s love brightly and intentionally during this trying time.

  • For our outreach partners serving around the world, many of which are in far more challenging environments than those of us. 

Thank you so much for your patience, understanding and support. Please remember, it is in situations like those we are currently experiencing that highlight the riches we have of being in community together; the great hope we have in and through our Lord, Jesus; and the calling we have to demonstrate God’s love to a hurting world! If you have any questions, please reach out to Dan Arbitter at dan.arbitter@cbcjoy.org.  

Helping People Follow Jesus Together,

Dave Riddle, teaching + vision pastor Dan Arbitter, executive pastor